8 Ways to Deal With That Frustrating Hand Eczema

Hand eczema is one of those things that might not sound so bad…unless you actually have it. It’s easy for people to dismiss eczema as dry skin that just goes a little overboard, but as anyone with the condition knows, there’s way more to the itchy, inflamed story than that.

Eczema can create incredibly irritated and tender skin pretty much anywhere on your body. Unfortunately, your hands are one of the most likely—and inconvenient—spots for this skin condition to make itself known, according to the Mayo Clinic. Hand eczema can manifest in a few different ways, like an itchy rash with red or brown patches, thickened, cracked, scaly skin, or small raised bumps that weep fluid and get all crusty after you scratch them.

If you suspect you have hand eczema, you really should see a dermatologist to get a proper diagnosis and treatment. Luckily, there are also a few ways to combat symptoms in the time between reading this and seeing your doctor.

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